I had passed through experiences that only thought me one truth that's clear as crystal and that is....that through all of life's joys and happiness, loneliness and sorrows, troubles and pressures, victories and defeats, life has no meaning until it is surrendered to Jesus. I realized that there is not one moment in my life in which I can do without Christ. There is really a rest in a conscious grasp of Christ, a rest of contentment with Him as my all in all.
The slogan "If it feels good, do it" is pure hedonism - the philosophy that pleasure is the chief good of man. Although pleasure in itself is not wrong, it can lead to moral and spiritual ruin if it is not controlled by God's Spirit. Take the natural longing for physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy. We all desire and need it. It's natural to seek pleasure and avoid pain, so it's easy to believe that if something feels right it can't be wrong. But feelings are NEVER a reliable guide to morality. Because all of us are sinful human beings, we need one all-encompassing good desire that is stronger than any others. When we experience God's love through faith in Jesus Christ, something wonderful is born within us - a desire to love and please God for all He has done for us. This desire may grow faint at times, especially when other passions clamor for fulfillment. But the Lord is always working in us "both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13). When we realize that He always desires our good, we will want to live for His glory. My friend, what is your greatest desire?
That Jesus cares for me;
It matters not what life may bring -
He loves me tenderly."

When we're feeling alone or overwhelmed by
our circumstances, we often cry out, "Lord, don't You care?"
But when Jesus calms our storm and speaks our name, we realize that we have much more to learn about His compassion for us, and we long to trust Him with all our cares.
a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s
middle image: clytie by Lord Fredric Leighton (oil on canvas)
bottom image: Storm by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (oil on canvas)
I'll be off here for a while but I encourage you to read all my blogs on yahoo 360, blogger, multiply and live journal (I blog for Jesus and for His glory)....Below are the links to these blogs, you can just click on them, thank you...
Have a blessed weekend bloggers!
Ophelia Jane Julia