Hola bloggers! I can still remember once on a flight from London to New York, I was seated next to a nervous passenger. It was his first time to board a plane and he admitted to me that he felt he was keeping our plane airborne by sheer willpower. He couldn't relax for a moment, for fear that gravity would drag us down.
Even though the law of gravity would keep us earthbound, there's a law of aerodynamics that overcomes the pull of gravity. If this passenger had trusted that principle when he boarded the plane, he would have saved himself a lot of needless worry.
In a similar way, many believers, including myself, are trying to reach and maintain spiritual heights by sheer willpower. But by ourselves, we're bound to the downward drag of the law of sin and death. However, in Romans 8:2, Paul wrote about a higher law - the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which sets people free from the law of sin and death.
If we are living by sheer willpower, our Christian life hasn't really, "taken off." But the moment we entrust ourselves fully to Christ, we're freed from the body of death, and we begin rising on the wings of His Spirit. And I m Ophelia sharing with you this thought...
"Our spirit fails us unless God's Spirit fills us."
Have a blessed day Bloggers!