When we have trouble believing God for the solution to some pressing problem, we can enter the classroom of creation and observe the wonders of nature. Doing so strengthens our faith in the promises found in the Bible.
Mr. T.C Roddy, Jr. from Rusk, Texas wrote, "In my front yard are six huge oak trees that must be over 100 years old....I ponder as I look at them and realize that the leaves must have barrels of fresh water each day to stay green. As a retired engineer, I know that no pump ever devised or designed by man could force that amount of water through the dense wooden trunk of these trees. Yet God causes their roots to gather all the water these trees need... To do this, these roots must exert a working pressure of more than 3,000 pounds per square foot just to move the water up to the leaves - not considering the resistance of the wood in the tree trunk. That is just another of God's miracles that occur every day unnoticed."
"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."
~~Ralph Waldo Emerson~~