Sunday, June 29, 2008

All Things Wise: Needed: A New Vision

Christ by Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel

Almost without realising it, a spiritual myopia has afflicted us; we are not seeing life clearly because we do not see God clearly. A right perspective on God gives us the right perspective on everything else - life, work, money, service, relationships and so on.

The reason our problems often seem overwhelming is because we allow the things of time to loom larger in our gaze than the things of eternity. The tiniest of coins, when held close to the eye, can blot out the sun.

Life works better when we know how to glance at things but gaze at God. Seeing Him clearly will enable us to see all other things clearly. Often, we look up only when something happens that knocks us flat on our backs. How sad that sometimes earthly securities have to be removed before we can see the glory of Him who sits upon the throne!

Pieta by William Adolphe-Bouguereau

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