Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Only The Sea / Two Hearts

miranda_1875_by John William Waterhouse by you.

"Only the sea still keeps the love you want no more. Being closer to the sea, I am closer with you without you knowing it. Only the sea still speaks the same language with you, the language I had learned so to be closer to the sea and to your soul. Now only the songs are left, only the songs still tell the words you will never tell me again. I once was a goddess you worshipped in the temple of love and I ended up in the goddesses' destiny, imprisoned in a piece of marble."

Imprisoned therein are the tears I shed for the worship lost and the love erased! Oh, that my champion will come, to free me from this marble prison that engulfed my whole being and tormented my soul. Way beyond the sea, way beyond the sea is where my love lies and my soul delights.

When I first met you, inside I felt

Like I was coming home where I belong

To you and to your words I cling

For you I am willing to give anything

And to you everything I'll bring

You came along and turned the key of my life

Your love was big enough to give me a new start

Yet small enough to live in my heart

Two hearts that beat as one

Two minds with single thought

No one else could ever have been you

It's always been...

Our destiny to fall in love

You're even more than I dreamed of

You came along and turned the key of my life

Your love is big enough to give me a new start

Yet small enough to live in my heart


" In the deep heart of the man was a shrine where none but God was worthy to come. Our woes began when God was forced out of His central shrine and "things" were allowed to enter. Within the human heart, "things" have taken over. Men have now by nature no peace within their hearts, for God is crowned there no longer, but there in the moral dusk stubborn and agressive usurpers fight among themselves first place on the throne... There is within the human heart a tough fibrous root of fallen life whose nature is to possess, always to possess. It covets 'things' with a deep and fierce passion...The roots of our hearts have grown down into things, and we dare not pull up one rootlet lest we die. Things have become necessary to us, a development never originally intended. God's gift now take the place of God, and the whole course of nature is upset by the monstrous substitution...There can be no doubt that this possessive clinging to 'things' is one of the most harmful habits in the life. Because it is so natural it is rarely recognized for the evil that it is; but it's outworkings are tragic. We are often hindered from giving up our treasures for the fear of their safety; this is specially true when those treasures are loved ones, realtives and friends. But we need have no such fears. Our Lord came not to destroy but to save. Everything is safe which we commit to Him and nothing is really safe which is not so committed."
A.W Tozer, 'The Pursuit of God'

Source of oil painting photo:

Miranda 1875 by John William Waterhouse taken from:


Source for sea photos: ophelia's private collection

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Verse From My Heart

Listen here now my love
For I want you to know
That I love thee not for the
pleasing things you do
Nor for the great things you know
And I love thee not for thy tender looks
Neither for the fairness of thine speech
But I love thee for that which is in thine heart
That matches that which is in mine heart
And I love thee more for the eternal essence of thine spirit
That gives glorious savour to mine
For heart to heart and soul to soul
Is love in its grandest and purest design.
~~Ophelia 9-21-08~~
Source of Photo: Moon by Alphonse Mucha taken from illusionsgallery.com
"We found each other somewhere between
the day and the night...amidst the past
and the future...and now we are tangled up
with each other. I would love to spend
all my time writing to you; I'd love to share
with you all that goes through my mind,
all that weighs on my heart, all that
gives air to my soul...phantoms of art,
dreams that would be so beautiful
if they could just come true."
~~Luigi Pirandello~~
Have a blessed Sunday and a great new week ahead BLOGGERS!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

When I Die I Keep On Living

You give me strength when i start to worry
You lift me up when I'm feeling sorry
You're building me up with love and affection
When I'm in danger you're my protection
And I'm the one you can depend upon
I'll always treat you right,never do you wrong
Just feel the love burning inside of me
It's gonna last for eternity
Sometimes you're afraid
I won't be there for you
But through it all
I'll always cherish you
You are my angel
Sent down from heaven
And I'm sure I'll never be blue
Cause baby, I love you
Baby, I need you
Yes, I do

And when I die I keep on living
You'll always have my love seeing you through
I'll be your angel up in heaven
Forever all my love will shine down on you
Cause baby I love you
Baby, I need you
Yes, I do

Are you that someone you can believe in
No one can take away what we're feeling
Our love is strong it goes on forever
No one will ever love you better
And when they'll moan I'll still be true to you
The seed of love lives inside of you
I'll be your angel up there in heaven
And all my love will shine down on you
For eternity

And when I die I keep on living
You'll always have my love seeing you through
I'll be your angel up in heaven
Forever all my love will shine down on you
Cause baby I love you
Baby I need you
Yes, I do.

Source of Photo: Sense of Sight by Annie Louise Swynnerton taken from illusionsgallery.com

When I die Lyrics by No Mercy/ lipped sync and made popular by Milli Vanilli...lol ...(one of the biggest scandals in the US music industry)...nevertheless, i love this song...It's one of my perennial favorites. Have a great weekend ahead bloggers!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let Me Be There

Ribbons of blue, remind me of you.
Ribbons of red are the way that my heart bled.
Memories so clear are still ringing in my ear.
So I wanna send to you all my ribbons of blue.
I am so upset and no one can comfort me! My lovable cat Shy is lost. She's nowhere to be found....waaaahhhhh!!! I hope she is just having a date with another cat and will come back soon. All I have are memories of my faithful, lovable sweet cat...ribbons of red and blue that i used to tie to her neck!...These are my my only remembrances of her! Oh I pray she wouldn't be run down by any vehicle, i pray she wouldnt be scratched fought and scratched by other cats....I pray...I pray...
Below is not for my cat SHY...it's for someone dear to me...giggles
Wherever you go,
Wherever you may wander in your life
Surely you know
I always wanna be there
Holding your hand
And standing by to catch you when you fall
Seeing you through
In everything you do
Let me be there in your morning
Let me be there in your night
Let me change whatever is wrong
and make it right
Let me take you through that wonderland
That only two can share
All I ask you is let me be there.
Watching you grow
And going through the changes in your life
That's how I know
I'll always wanna be there
Whenever you feel
You need a friend to lean on, here I am
Whenever you call
You know I'll be there.
Let me be there in your morning
Let me be there in your night
Let me change whatever's wrong
and make it right
Let me take you through that wonderland
That only two can share
All I ask you is let me be there.
~~Olivia Newton John~~
Have a blessed Weekend Bloggers!!! God Bless Us All!
Sincerely, Ophelia

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

All Things Bright: When The Burden Gets Heavy, Humor Lightens the Load

Fried Happy Face by Ephemeron on Flickr

Hola Bloggers! Good day! Ces't La Vie, that's life...good or bad day, life must go on. Continueon dreaming and pinning your hopes to your dreams for an inspiration. One of my dreams is to have my own travel, arts and literature bookshop. I love traveling, arts and literature from when I was small so I would be really contented and happy to have my own bookstore dealing and selling the things that I love. I just want a simple, happy and contented life. It's the kind of life I want to put down roots in and the way I would want my future children to grow up...the simple things....the real things. Ok, before I get carried away I want to be corny this time....I would like to share corny and funny jokes that really made me laugh upon reading them. I apologize to the real source of the jokes. I had jotted them down one day and i forgot which site I had taken them from. Bloggers, let the sense of humor get going, always remembering that, "when the burden gets heavy, humor lightens the load."
Innkeeper: The room is $15 a night. It's $5 if you make your own bed.
Guest: "I'll make my own bed."
Innkeeper: "Good. I'll get you some nails and woods."
Man: " I know how to please a woman."
Woman: " Then please, leave me alone."
Man: "I'd go through anything for you."
Woman: "Good! Let's start with your bank account."
Man: "I would go to the end of the world for you."
Woman: "Yes, but would you stay there?"
Man: "Haven't I seen you some place before?"
Woman: "Yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore!"
Man: "How do you like your eggs in the morning?"
Woman: "Unfertilized!"
Man: "Your body is like a temple."
Woman: "Sorry, there are no services today."
OK, bloggers. Time to end my corny jokes corner. Have great days ahead one and all!