Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All Things Wise: Not Ruled By Time

The ancient Mayans of Central America were obsessed with time. Early in their history they began to study the movement of the planets. Soon they noted a correlation between the cycles of the planets and the seasons, and they began to chart the stars. The priests interpreted their findings, and they devised an elaborate calendar which was as accurate as any calendar used today. With it they were able to calculate dates far into the past and the future. Mayan life was dictated by this calendar. Times for plantings, harvests, and sacrifices were minutely calculated and strictly observed.
Our culture too is dominated by time. Clocks and calendars, datebooks and watches keeps us marching rigidly on schedule. In some ways such attention to time is good, if it helps us to use wisely. Our earths and its seasons will one day pass away. And when they do, many of the things we tried to crowd into a day will not mean a thing. When we stand before God, will we be able to say that time did not rule us but that we ruled time?
If time could be our servant,
Our work would be sublime;
But if we do not master it,
We're only "serving time."
~~C. Hess
"To everything there is a season."
Ecclesiastes 3:1